Friday, 6 September 2013

Reasons Why Women Can Not Lose Weight

We all know that exercise routine and a healthy diet are essential elements for successful weight loss. If you eat right and exercise daily but you still fail to lose weight, you're having a different reason. Here are some reasons why women can not lose weight.

Reasons why women can not lose weight

Thyroid Problems

A sluggish thyroid is one of the common reasons most women can not lose weight. The thyroid gland produces hormones to control your body and energy use. When your thyroid is active, your metabolism will start to die down then it will be harder for you to lose weight . If you find yourself constantly tired, easy weight gain, sensitivity to cold and then make sure your thyroid works slow. Meet experts for advice appropriate for weight loss. For more details visit Micheal Allen's link FAT LOSS FACTOR SCAM

Excessive Stress

Life is full of stressful situations, especially for women. Unfortunately, stress is one of the reasons women can not lose weight. Stress adversely affects health both mentally and physically. Chronic stress often leads to thyroid dysfunction, high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and weight gain. If you are experiencing stress, then find ways to reduce stress. Try to avoid unhealthy relationships and regular exercise.

The hormonal imbalance

Women can experience a hormonal imbalance for a number of reasons. One result is ovary syndrome caused bodies of women to the production of male hormones. This condition is related to insulin resistance affects the excess fat and stored in the body. The hormonal imbalance such as one of the reasons women can not lose weight. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle or grow facial hair like men, these are signs that you may have a hormonal imbalance. Reduce your sugar and refined carbohydrate restriction can help you balance isnulin help. Also visit Wikipedia page for details

Chronic lack of sleep

Reasons why women can not lose weight

Did you know that lack of sleep is one of the reasons women can not lose weight ? Women often have family obligations, and maintain their relationships with friends. When women need more time, they tend to give up sleep. Research shows that an increasing insomnia appetite, causing people to eat more, in turn making it harder to lose weight. Ideally you should get 8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is essential for your overall health and happiness.

Drug side effects

An unpleasant side effect of medications also cause you to gain weight. Some drugs, including anti-depressants and birth control pills cause women to gain weight. Take care if you are negatively affected your weight.

Consider for weight loss

Continue to eat a healthy diet and regular physical activity every day. Avoid strenuous activities and to ensure health before drastically changing your diet or exercise habits. Discuss weight loss goals with your doctor for proper weight loss plan, and to address any reasons women can not lose weight that involves you.

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